Mission & Vision

Elan’s Vision and Philosophy

Our Mission

Turning problems in the healthcare field into smiles

As our life situation is subject to change day to day, we may find ourselves facing a variety of healthcare-related problems and anxieties. Our mission is to resolve such problems and anxieties and bring smiles to the faces of as many people as possible.

Our Vision

Making a world with more smiles

We aim to realize a society in which all people around the world, as well as ourselves, can live healthy, enriched lives with smiles on their faces, without sacrificing anyone or anything, without giving up, and by continuing to think through business practices and methods that will make everyone involved happy.

Our Principle

We will pursue the best products and services that satisfy our customers and contribute to the realization of an enriching living environment through our passionate actions.

Customer satisfaction

Elan values the “customer’s
point of view”

Everyone has their own problems and joys. Elan promises to listen to each of our customers, discover what they truly want, and provide services in line with their needs.

Passionate actions

Elan values “passion”

No matter how good the service is, it is meaningless if there is no heart in it. Elan promises to provide services with “heart, emotion, and passion.”

Enriching living environment

Elan values “smiles” above all else

By valuing the smiles of each of our customers as well as our own smiles, we will contribute to the
realization of a “society full of smiles” where smiles are passed on to those around us.

About Our Company Name

In French, “elan” means to rush forth, while in English it means enthusiasm and zeal.
We Elan as our name because it incorporates our desire to be a company where employees’ enthusiasm contributes to society, as well as to be a company that plays an active role in the wider world.